Thursday, August 8, 2013

Wrapped in Plastic Issue 1

There has been alot of talk about Twin Peaks lately with the 20th anniversary of the series that past a few years ago and hopes of a series revival. One of the best sources for Twin Peaks information has always been Wrapped in Plastic Magazine created by Craig Miller and John Thorne. Let's look back at the beginning of their magazine which started it's run  in October 1992. It had a small print run initially and grew in popularity as many fans discovered it around the world. I  remember first hearing  about this magazine from a friend, I think my initial reaction was wow really! I have to get a copy of that! I think it was that same friend who knew I was a big Twin Peaks fan who found a copy at "The Comic Shop" in Vancouver. From talking to Craig Miller on the phone years ago, he was surprised that I had an original copy as there was not many out there and I was lucky to have it.

First thing that struck me about it was the great cover of Sheryl Lee as Laura Palmer that Craig Miller drew. This is a good start, I flipped through the pages and saw all this great info about Twin Peaks including a timeline of events that took place through the series, very handy! There was some great articles and a magazine checklist, a must to get that collection started I thought. This was a time before the internet so any Peaks information was great. There was even discussion about Fire Walk With Me that had just opened to mixed reviews and the first  World Spins article. Who knew a few years later I would be contributing to this great magazine. Over the next while I'll be looking back at Wrapped in Plastic and discussing that famous town of Twin Peaks, Washington Population 51,201.


  1. That's a cool drawing by Craig of Laura Palmer smiling from beyond the (plastic) grave!

  2. Yes, a classic cover by Craig Miller. He did many drawings over the years for the magazine, a lot of the early covers are his work.
